We’re constantly on the look out for groundbreaking innovation within the entire Agropastoral value chain. We consider innovation to be disruptive and trend setting with the goal to increase efficiency, help conserve resources and significantly facilitate the work of the farmer and increase productivity.
*Agricultural engineering and technology: Agriculture forms an integral part of the African economy. In fact, it is the primary occupation for over 70% population in Cameroon. Being a country with a vast agro-ecological diversity, we implement the latest strategy and design state-of-the-art agricultural machinery that enhance the quality of agricultural products and conserve soil, water and other natural resources.
*Irrigation: Cameroon is a country having a vast portion of land suitable for agricultural productivities. But due to lack of proper irrigation facilities and rough terrain, farmers are unable to access water. Coupled with unpredictable rainfall, Cameroon is a drought-prone area that severely affects the agricultural economy. We incorporate effective irrigation schemes and programs that help organizations bring about better agricultural produce.
*Organic Agriculture: We integrate the best methods that encourage organic agricultural activities among farmers in Cameroon. Our organic agriculture techniques lead to an improvement in soil fertility, biodiversity, reduce erosion, environmental exposure to toxic chemicals and satisfy the increasing production demands in the markets.
*Plant production: Plants form a crucial part of our ecosystem. As a staple food for all forms of life, plants are essential both ecologically and economically. We bring to you the latest technology and practices that increase the plant yield, ensure food security for the population of the country and bring higher revenue to the organizations.
*Animal husbandry and feed: With our robust strategies and technology, we have taken a great stride in increasing Cameroon’s livestock productivity. By replacing conventional practices with our modern approach to animal husbandry, we help farmers to raise their animals in the right way and earn higher revenue.
*Forestry: Forests in Cameroon are a major resource for raw material and provides employment to the majority portion of the population. We employ the most effective techniques and strategies for the complete management of the forest land and render it economically beneficial.
*Agricultural commodity trading: Agricultural commodities like livestock, grains or dairy are both a staple source of food and industrial ingredients. As your reliable agricultural commodity trading partner, we intend to stabilize the prices of commodities, avoid instabilities, offer fair prices to producers and so on.
*Smart Farming: Smart farming is already paving the way for future agriculture. Our smart farming techniques and methods involve precision agriculture, agricultural automation and management information systems. By incorporating these, farmers get access to soil scanning, GPS, Internet of Things technologies and data management, thereby producing premium quality agricultural products in greater quantities.
We’re up to date in collaboration with cooperatives and representatives of government, business, and science in order to jointly implement agricultural and forest resource conservation.